's prompt/topic is a tough one. There are probably a lot of things that people don't understand about me. So shall I pick one or generalize several?
I am, for the most part, a pretty open book. I will share most of my story (sometimes overshare) with pretty much anyone who asks. What people fail to realize is that if I've shared my story with you, I'm not asking for your opinion of it and when you share your opinion/judgement, it hurts and makes me re-think each decision I've made. I realize that expecting others to be as non-judgemental as I am is definitely more my problem then theirs.
Here's probably the biggest thing that people don't realize about me. I absolutely think first with my heart and second with my mind. People seem to think that means that I haven't even thought about all sides of an issue. I will most likely follow my heart, that's who I am. That does NOT mean that I have not taken every logical option into account. If logic is what it is best, I will absolutely take that into consideration.
Here's the plus to the way I make decisions...I am more forgiving, more caring, less judgemental, less cynical, more open, more honest. Following my heart has allowed me to be all those things that you actually love and like about me. So hold your opinion when you think I've made a mistake and shouldn't follow my heart. Do you really want me to be less of the person I am?
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