Oh man...if I had known this one was coming, I would have made a shorter list, or I would have actually tried to accomplish the things I put on my list. Oh well...here goes....
1. "Realizing it's never too late to accomplish the things you want to accomplish." This one I actually am doing better. I may not have completely accomplished everything this month but these things are still on the list so I guess I still have time.
2. "Actually Nail This Challenge." I did it!! I did 28 days of blogging. Yes the challenge was 30 but I didn't start until day 2 so that's minus 1 day. In my own defense, I did blog twice in one day. I also didn't blog on Wordless Wed so that's minus 1 day. It WAS wordless Wed and I took it literally. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. :)
3. "Walk More this Month." Actually I did and maybe it's only because we got a dog but I did in fact walk more in April than I did in March.
4. "Be More Patient and Soft Spoken." Nope...that one I didn't accomplish. I will refer to number one on this one. I am nothing if not a work in progress so I'll keep working on that one.
5. "'Hide' Less Often." I didn't hide much this month. I didn't really have a chance to with Trey's injury and Easter but it still counts. I did take a couple of REALLY good naps and that helps me not need to hide so much. I even took one of those naps on the couch so I wasn't hiding at all then.
6. "Love More." Happy Anniversary to my sweet hubby. I do love him more today than yesterday and more yesterday than the day we were married. I am practicing love as an action and not just a feeling.
7. "My House is Going to Get Really Clean." Actually on Good Saturday, my hubby made us all get up earlier than I wanted and clean the house. It made a huge difference. We got new couches so we cleaned the whole floor. We used the new mop. Last night one of the kiddos broke the pepper grinder and pepper went everywhere so the dining room got nice and swept last night. Again, refer to #1 and remember that I'm a work in progress.
So actually, I didn't do so bad on my review. There are things that still need to be done but progress has been made. I can live with that. Mostly 6 out of 7. I count that as a win.
heck, you know what, goals are small things we're reaching for! crossing even one off your list means you're continuously growing! keep it up lady :)