I didn't follow the blog prompts the last few days. I got wrapped up in my family and my grief and couldn't stay on topic. I'm not really sorry because I DID still blog even if I didn't follow the topics so I think it still counts. :)
Today I would blog about Trey breaking his finger but since I've already posted that on Facebook, and I can't think of anything else to type, I'll do the list of 21. I can't promise that they won't be things you already know about me. I can't even promise they will even be very interesting so I take absolutely no offense to you not wanting to read them.
1. I have monkey feet. Well that's what Steve calls them. I asked him to tell me something interesting about me and this is what he gave me. My middle toe is the longest of all of my toes. Even longer than my big toe. It's genetic, my mom has them and some of my kids have them.
2. I'm not really an animal lover. This is only "interesting" because we have so many of them. We have a dog, 2 cats, and a rabbit. We recently had a turtle and a hamster also. In a perfect world, I probably would only babysit animals and not really own them. (This was Genna's for me.)
3. I love getting my nails done. (This is Tai's for me.) It's true. I absolutely love to get my nails done. I love having my feet and my hands done. It makes me feel pretty. I realize it's completely superficial but I don't really care.
4. I like tattoos. Okay, I LOVE tattoos. If I didn't work at some place so professional, and if I could afford them, I would have a ton more. I also love them on other people. Now, there is a limit but pretty much at the "over-the-top, tattoo-upon-tattoo, covers your face" point.
5. I love to read. My favorite are murder/romantic/comedy books. Not really romance, but murder with a hint of romance are great books. Legal thrillers are fantastic.
6. I wish I were left-handed. Yep, it's weird, but true. I really wish I were left-handed. I wish my husband were left-handed. I find incredibly intriguing. I think because it's pretty odd to come across left-handers.
7. My kids ONLY want to talk to me when I'm clearly doing something. I know a lot of parents say this and I'm sure to some degree it's true. They can ignore me all day long and then the moment I sit to have a conversation, type an email, blog, read a book, watch tv...they are all OVER me!! It's insanity!
8. Steve and I have been together for 16 years. We met in high school. We've been together since Tai was about 10 months old. We've been through an amazing amount of crap, and we're still here. We've been married for 13 years at the end of this month.
9. We had a secret wedding. We did plan a secret wedding because we wanted to get married before we moved to KC so Steve could go to school. It was important to Steve that we have a bigger ceremony so people could come, mainly his mom and family, so we didn't tell hardly anyone that we got married. Six months later, with wedding plans falling apart and life getting more distracted, we decided that we didn't need a bigger ceremony and we just told people.
10. I never had visions of a big wedding. Not even when I was little. They say all little girls do but not me. I never wanted all the pomp and circumstance. Mostly because of my family dynamics but also because it just wasn't for me. I don't really like social gatherings anyway, so the thought of a day devoted social gatherings with the center of attention being me, was so far outside of my comfort zone.
11. I love the old sitcom stay-at-home kind of life. I want to make my own bread, make my own butter, bake my own cookies kind of life. The more simple life is the better. Not that those things are simple, just the way they make them look on TV is. I want to make my kids clothes and iron stuff. I so don't hope anyone gets offended by this because I by no-means think this is easy or simple to do. I lack the skills and patience to be that person completely.
12. I forget a lot. Like a lot. A bunch of little things. Some big things. If I don't write it down, it's usually gone...until the day of or until an hour after I need it. I wish this weren't true. It would make my life so much easier if I weren't like this. I'm typing this as I look at the things that Genna needs for Heritage School, know that if I don't get them on the calendar that we will be scrambling the night before.
13. I love The Blacklist. We watch it Monday night after the kids go to bed. It's one of the things I look forward to the most of the week. He's being very patient with me tonight and waiting until I am done with this so that we can watch it.
14. No dark chocolate for me. If I have my absolute choice of chocolate, the answer is white chocolate, then milk chocolate. The end. No dark chocolate. Ever. I think it's yucky. My candy of choice would be Starbursts. Fruity and bright.
15. I like to have the latest, coolest phone. I don't understand half the things my phone does. Okay, half is being generous, but I love that I have a phone that will do all these cool things. If someone could sit down and show me what they do, I'd love it!
16. I prefer vegetables to fruit. Pretty much any vegetable is better than a fruit. I like fruit, sort of but mostly it's about the veggies for me. Cooked or raw, with dip or plain. Oh...cheesy broccoli and cauliflower.
17. I sleep with 5 pillows. No wonder we have such a big bed. I have two thin pillows for under my head and a "neck" pillow. I have a big body pillow to help with my hips and then I use a fat pillow with that one for my arms. I have a very particular way that I am comfortable in my bed.
18. I have had 10 surgeries. Three of them were the birth of my children. Only c-sections for this momma. Most of my surgeries have to do with my reproductive organs. I'm sure I will probably have to have more surgeries in my life but we'll see. I seem to kind of go in spurts and I'd really prefer to not have anymore.
19. Hair. I love short hair!! I say that I have short hair because if it grows longer than my chin, it falls out. That's true, but probably because it stresses me out. The truth is that if I could (again with that job thing) I would have even shorter hair with wild colors and it would change regularly.
20. I don't like to re-watch movies or tv episodes. I'm not a re-run watcher. Well except for Friends. There are very few movies that I like to watch more than once. Very few. I don't see the point if I already know the ending. I am pretty much the same way with books. I can only think of a couple of books that I have re-read. Again, I already know the ending.
21. I love butterflies. Butterflies are a sign of hope. I am nothing if not hopeful (most days). When I die, I want the majority of my ashes to go into the butterfly pavilion at the zoo. The Lincoln zoo.
Okay, if you made it to the end, you are either very bored or extremely dedicated. Twenty-one things about me. None of them very interesting, or very insightful and deep.
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