--Where Do I See Myself in 10 Years...This one was eye-opening to me and fun to reflect on how the more things change, the more they stay the same.
--21 Things About Me...This was fun because I couldn't think of stuff and so I asked my kids. They were so helpful and spot on. It was fun to hear them name things about me that they thought was fun.
--What Makes Me, Me...I don't typically think about that. It's just who I am so it was neat to try to describe myself in the things that I really want to be front and center about who I am.
Mostly my favorite thing about doing this 30 days of blogging was being able to get back in the habit of blogging. It was a way for me to work on my writing styles and see what types of things I enjoy blogging about the most.
I liked having topics of what to blog on. Some of them were comfortable for me and some of them made me step outside of my comfort zone. Some of the prompts made me really stop and think about how I feel about things and how I see things. I am typically so busy just living in the moment that it was nice to be able to think about the feelings and emotions that go into it all. You know, taking a step back and reflecting on life.
I tried to stay on prompt. Some days I did better than others. Some days, I couldn't do it because it was too hard, or there was too much other real life going on around me.
Thirty days of blogging has been a great exercise for me. I don't know that I'll continue blogging EVERY day but I can almost promise that my posts will be more than once every 6 months or so. Thanks for hanging in there with me. Thank you for checking in and thank you for your comments.
YAY!!! i'm beyond excited you participated! even more so, i'm excited that we've got a few more planned ;) i expect you to participate in them!!
ReplyDeleteTotally hit me up!! I really, really enjoyed this so THANK YOU for inviting me (or rather posting one big invite on fb!)!! As you know, I'm totally stealing 1000 things and I'm stealing Thankful Thursdays. Please feel free to throw ideas out at me too!!