Good prompt today...Here are just a few.
My God Comes First. I have previously posted about my relationship with God. This one leads me. God allows me to get out of bed every day and allows me to face all of my life. The good, the bad, and the ugly, I know that God is with me. Before any decision, I pray for guidance. When I don't, I usually fail.
My Family is Everything. I am absolutely nothing without Steve and our children. I cannot imagine a day without them, okay...a day or two, sometimes even a week but they are in the front of my mind anytime I am not with them physically. They are always and forever in each choice I make. That seems like a no-brainer but there was a time, not all that long ago, that I didn't realize how insanely important they were. Never again will I put myself first. God and then my family.
I am Stronger than I Ever Thought I Was. I have survived a lot of things in my life. I never knew how strong I was. I fall, I stumble, I cry and want to give up but I don't. I keep going. Losing Anitra was the hardest thing I have ever gone through. I truly didn't think I could survive that. I am. Some days better than others, but at the end of it all, I'm still standing. I didn't know that was possible.
Work Hard For the Things in Your Life That Matter. My family, my relationships with my friends and family, my job. I want to give them my everything that I have. It matters to not just be present and do it, but to be in the moment and to do it well. Now, I'm not perfect. I make mistakes, I get distracted but at the end of the day, it matters to me and I'm going to put my best foot forward.
Love Hard and Forgive Often. This is big for me. It's also gotten easier for me. A LOT easier for me as I've grown in faith. Love people. Simply love them, even when they aren't easy to love, even when all you want to do is walk away and be done with them. Love them. Love them as hard as you can. It's not always easy. If you do walk away, be strong in knowing that you've made the right choice. I am quick to anger, quick to raise my voice, quick with harsh words, so this is hard for me. Love first. Love unconditionally. It's the most amazing feeling in the world. Forgive them when they can't be who you thought they were or who you think you need.
I could go on with more lessons that I've learned in the last 37 years but these are probably the most important to me. These are the ones that have kept me balanced and centered the most.
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