
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Day 3 of 30

Prompt: What makes you, you

Okay, so I've been thinking about this one a little bit. I believe that I am not the same me that I was yesterday, or the day before that. I am absolutely (and thankfully) not the me I was a year ago, 5 years ago, etc, etc...So what continues to make me, me? 

First and foremost, my relationship with God has made me a different, and better, me than I was. I believe that I am more compassionate, more caring, more understanding, less judgmental, more forgiving. The list goes on. God makes me, me. More importantly, my relationship with Him makes me, me. 

I am firm believer that the really bad things that happen in your life can do one of two things for you. They can make you bitter, cynical, angry, and hateful. Or, they can make you better, wiser, stronger. Whenever something truly traumatic happens I go into "survival" mode. Give me a couple days, few weeks, a month (depending on the severity of the event) and I fall apart. I am a wreck for a couple of days and then, the things that make me, me truly kick in.

I AM a better, wiser, stronger person for everything single that has happened and will happen in my life. I AM a survivor, a compassionate person, a listener, a fighter, a supporter, a lover. I AM all of those things. I am NOT weak, though I have my weak moments. I am NOT incapable of handling things, though I falter at times. My life is NOT a mistake, though I have made mistakes. 

What makes me, me? My God, my husband, my children, my past, my future, my accomplishments, my failures. Those are the things that make me, me. 

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