One of my co-workers walked by once and asked how I was doing one day. I said, "living the dream." Then I realized I was actually living one of my dreams. Weird...I never aspired to be an administrative assistant. However, there were some clues that I would be doing that some day. When we were little, my little sister and I would play "secretary". On snow days we would get out all the old catalogs we had in the house and pretend that we were helping people make selections from them. We would pretend that we were answering phones for doctors or lawyers. Those were very important messages that we were taking. We would play that we were making photocopies and typing.
Little did I know what great practice that would be. Little did I know that years later I would be an all grown-up, phone answering, message taking, selection (which form to use) helper, photocopying (and fixing), help everybody at once, machine.
I LOVE IT! I love the work I do, I mostly love the people I do it for (come on, nobody likes EVERYBODY)! I have the perfect hours. I have the perfect desk. I am a total office supply nerd. I love it when the Office Supply Fair is in August. It's like a job fair but full of office supplies. I love answering the phones. I am such a geek, I even love it when there are multiple lines ringing at the same time...for short periods of time. I love greeting great clients and I love helping people. I am so blessed to have the job I have. I love the amount of growth that I have been able to experience. Excel is still not my absolute favorite thing in the world but I know how to use it.
Everyday isn't perfect and I there are tons way better administrative assistants than me but I don't suck. I think I might even be a little good at it.
So maybe I didn't really "see" myself doing this when I got older but in a way, I kind of did...and I'm more than kind of excited about it.
I am blessed.
Well, I have to say you're the PERFECT secretary and I appreciated ever single thing you've done to help our the company that you work for. You're a major asset and they're blessed to have you on their team! I too loved it all, just not under the circumstances I was working in. Thank you for all you do, I'm sure you don't hear that enough so I figured a couple extra thank you's are helpful ;)'re super sweet! I am so blessed and I wish you had the opportunity to work for them in the capacity that I do because it would have been a way nicer experience. Although honey, I must say, you are a free bird and I think that you are probably doing what God meant for you to do with your life now. You, and your wonderful energy, are not meant to be caged in an office! xxoo