Approximately every 3 weeks Steve goes to counseling with me. I'm not ashamed of that fact. Let's be real, life happens and sometimes it seems life happens hard. Sometimes we don't communicate well and with the sheer enormity of what our lives feel like, we really need to be able to communicate. So we go see our beloved Cheryl every 3 weeks or so and we stay on track and stay connected that way. We love her. She is a great. She helps us understand each other better. She helps us love each other more.
The other HUGE benefit of our "date" to see our counselor is that we go to dinner. Just the two of us, which I get is the point of date night. We don't have to go somewhere fancy, although sometimes we do. We don't have to get dressed up, usually we don't. It's this little piece of heaven. It's this HUGE deep breath that we need so much every few weeks. We get to just order for ourselves, not tell anyone to sit down and eat, not be interrupted with bathroom requests. There are no rules for this night. I know some couples who say you can't talk about the kids or work. That's not the case for us. We talk about what needs to be talked about. We are just us and can just be us together. Even if it's just for a couple of hours every few weeks.
At some point in our lives, we will probably need less "breaks" from the kids. At some point, we will probably be so sick of being alone together we won't know what to do. For now, we'll keep our "date night" appointments.
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