Wednesday, April 30, 2014
30 DOB Goal Review
1. "Realizing it's never too late to accomplish the things you want to accomplish." This one I actually am doing better. I may not have completely accomplished everything this month but these things are still on the list so I guess I still have time.
2. "Actually Nail This Challenge." I did it!! I did 28 days of blogging. Yes the challenge was 30 but I didn't start until day 2 so that's minus 1 day. In my own defense, I did blog twice in one day. I also didn't blog on Wordless Wed so that's minus 1 day. It WAS wordless Wed and I took it literally. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. :)
3. "Walk More this Month." Actually I did and maybe it's only because we got a dog but I did in fact walk more in April than I did in March.
4. "Be More Patient and Soft Spoken." Nope...that one I didn't accomplish. I will refer to number one on this one. I am nothing if not a work in progress so I'll keep working on that one.
5. "'Hide' Less Often." I didn't hide much this month. I didn't really have a chance to with Trey's injury and Easter but it still counts. I did take a couple of REALLY good naps and that helps me not need to hide so much. I even took one of those naps on the couch so I wasn't hiding at all then.
6. "Love More." Happy Anniversary to my sweet hubby. I do love him more today than yesterday and more yesterday than the day we were married. I am practicing love as an action and not just a feeling.
7. "My House is Going to Get Really Clean." Actually on Good Saturday, my hubby made us all get up earlier than I wanted and clean the house. It made a huge difference. We got new couches so we cleaned the whole floor. We used the new mop. Last night one of the kiddos broke the pepper grinder and pepper went everywhere so the dining room got nice and swept last night. Again, refer to #1 and remember that I'm a work in progress.
So actually, I didn't do so bad on my review. There are things that still need to be done but progress has been made. I can live with that. Mostly 6 out of 7. I count that as a win.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Favorite 30 Days of Blogging Prompt
--Where Do I See Myself in 10 Years...This one was eye-opening to me and fun to reflect on how the more things change, the more they stay the same.
--21 Things About Me...This was fun because I couldn't think of stuff and so I asked my kids. They were so helpful and spot on. It was fun to hear them name things about me that they thought was fun.
--What Makes Me, Me...I don't typically think about that. It's just who I am so it was neat to try to describe myself in the things that I really want to be front and center about who I am.
Mostly my favorite thing about doing this 30 days of blogging was being able to get back in the habit of blogging. It was a way for me to work on my writing styles and see what types of things I enjoy blogging about the most.
I liked having topics of what to blog on. Some of them were comfortable for me and some of them made me step outside of my comfort zone. Some of the prompts made me really stop and think about how I feel about things and how I see things. I am typically so busy just living in the moment that it was nice to be able to think about the feelings and emotions that go into it all. You know, taking a step back and reflecting on life.
I tried to stay on prompt. Some days I did better than others. Some days, I couldn't do it because it was too hard, or there was too much other real life going on around me.
Thirty days of blogging has been a great exercise for me. I don't know that I'll continue blogging EVERY day but I can almost promise that my posts will be more than once every 6 months or so. Thanks for hanging in there with me. Thank you for checking in and thank you for your comments.
Monday, April 28, 2014
4 in 1
Friday the 18th was "Your Biggest Insecurities." Mine are probably the same as a lot of others. My biggest insecurity would be "am I giving/doing/being enough." Enough of what my kids need, enough of what my husband needs, enough of what God needs, enough of what my friends need, enough of what work needs. The answer is probably no, not always and yes, sometimes more than enough. Life, and the people in it, are not perfect. We aren't meant to be perfect. It's about balance. It's about doing enough on some days just to survive and making up for it later. It's about it being okay to take a nap some days because other days you run ragged and don't get enough sleep.
I think I'll go with just that one insecurity. It seems like that's the big one today.
Saturday the 19th was "Your Favorite Quote." One I really like, that I've most often seen attributed to Marilyn Monroe is "If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best." I don't know if she really said that or if she's just the pretty face on the little fb posts. My favorite movie quote, if you can call it that, is "Yippie Ki Yay Motherf*cker." Bruce Willis says it right before he kills the bad guy in the first Die Hard. I love those movies by the way. That one makes me smile. I don't know why. I just strikes me as something fun to say.
My all-time, absolutely number one, favorite quote is, "If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together...there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart...I'll always be with you." A.A. Milne (Winnie the Pooh) I have said this to my children and to my friends and it has brought me great comfort.
Sunday the 20th was "Happy Easter: Your Easter Traditions." It started several years ago, I can't remember when exactly but on Good Friday we have always dyed Easter eggs with our children with my mom. We then added decorating cookies to that. So every Good Friday all the kiddos get with Grandma Nessa and dye eggs, frost Easter-type cookies and then have red hot dogs, hamburgers, and chips. Each year it seems to get bigger and better. Except that for two years, it has hurt my heart a LOT. Anitra was the biggest kid. One year she was helping a nephew and I'm not sure who had greener hands at the end. We'd form an assembly line to get the dye ready and we'd make silly jokes behind mom's back. She'd "tell on me" for using cuss words when I couldn't get the stupid little packets open. So for two-years it's been sad but I put on my smiley face because the kids really do have fun with it.
The following day the Seiker clan usually gets together, or the Carson clan gets together at Shavon's. We dye more eggs and do a hunt for the kids. This year we didn't do that. The Seiker's didn't get together because they will all be together soon for a cousin wedding. We didn't go to Shavon's because I needed a day at home with just the Fanklesman's and grandma Cindy. Sometimes, I need those times. With a large family, sometimes I have to pick and choose which events I can handle. Some years, like this one, I can't handle them all.
Sunday is about getting up early and seeing what the "Easter bunny" brought. We go to church and then we go to mom's again for a big feast, usually with the Rice family. This year there were 33 of us I think. Too many for me, but Genna and I found a corner and hung out. Then the kids go for a walk so the Easter bunny can get into costume. She greets the kids and the neighbor children and hands out candy. While the kids are gone, the guys hide all the eggs. Egg hunts are as fun for the adults as it is the kids.'s a long post but since it's 3 days in one, which actually makes the 4th, I think I'm good. I'm all caught up. Thank you for hanging in there with me. :)
Sunday, April 27, 2014
A Moment
Sometimes it hits in really strange ways. The doctors call it PTSD. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. A single second that I see something, hear something, feel something and I'm right there in that moment. There are a few "traumas" that those things can trigger.
Tonight there was a swinging rope.
I went out on the back porch. I saw in the shadows a swinging blind cord. Suddenly there were tears and sadness. I remembered the moment they said she was hanging. The gentle sway her body must have swayed when the door was opened. I saw her there in this moment.
My mind did anyway. At least the way my mind must imagine it because I never saw her that way in real life. The police wouldn't let me in to see her. The chaplain wouldn't let me in to see her. The men who came to get her wouldn't let me in to see her.
And then they brought her out. I wonder if that part of their job ever gets easy. I think it can't be the best part of their job. Because then they did let me see her. I pleaded with her to get up; to stop this ridiculousness. I pleaded with God to stop this. To make it not true. To let it be a mistake. But it was too late. It was done.
And so sometimes...something as simple as a shadow can make it all seem so right now...not so post really after all.
Spring Bucket List
1. Get Ready Rythm and the House For Graduation. Who knew there was so much to do?? Who knew it would start so soon. I think we were only in the 2nd full week of school and they were sending things home. Announcements, senior pics, food, location, time, date, theme, cap and gown. Oh...the big ones too...what do you want to do when you graduate? Are you going to live at home, get an apartment, live in the dorms? So much to many decisions to make. And keep living the rest of your life while you do it. The house is not ready yet. We are making baby step progress but it occurred to me today that we are now down to 28 days before the big event. I'm praying a lot.
2. Get Flowers/Garden Planted. I have great intentions. I do the flower garden and Steve is in charge of the vegetable garden. We are both behind I'm afraid. Thank goodness some of my things in the flower garden have already started to grow. That makes it a little easier. The weather in NE does not help with the whole planting thing. We never know if we are really done with freezing temps. I'm hoping so. I'm praying so.
3. Plan and Organize Summer Vacation and Activities. I think we might be mostly good there. At least with the planning. I like to have things organized and it pains me that I do not have these lists done yet. Tai is spending a week in KC for Culinary Camp. Rey is spending 3 weeks in MN to see her biological dad. Genna is playing softball. Ariez is going to an acting camp. The family is going to KC for family vacation and Steve and I will spend 5 days in Mexico for my little brother's wedding. Plans are most certainly, if only we could win the lottery to help pay for all of this!
4. Get All Summer Clothes Out and Organized. They are out. They are not organized. This is causing me endless amounts of stress. I love having it done, I just hate doing it. I really just need to bite the bullet and do it because in the meantime, I'm losing my mind. Again, the NE weather does not help with this. What is safe to actually put away? And many clothes do we actually need for each person? Mind blowing...and not in a fun way. Although I will say that we are truly blessed to have so much for all the kids.
5. Get Pictures On The Walls. Really...we've only lived here a year and a half. It needs to happen. I have some. They aren't the ones I want or the way I want them. Any creative types that would like to help with this project? This is something I'd really like to have done by graduation so...time's a wasting.
6. Build Patio With Fire Pit. This has been on the Spring list for a really long time and it just may not happen again this spring or summer. I'll be okay if it doesn't. Some day I will have the perfect little space set up exactly how it looks in my mind. Until then, I'm glad I have my swing and I'm glad we have such a beautiful yard.
I'm sure there are things I'm forgetting. There almost always are things that I'm forgetting but I think those are the big ones. Anyone wanting to assist is welcome! :)
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Greatest Life Lessons
My God Comes First. I have previously posted about my relationship with God. This one leads me. God allows me to get out of bed every day and allows me to face all of my life. The good, the bad, and the ugly, I know that God is with me. Before any decision, I pray for guidance. When I don't, I usually fail.
My Family is Everything. I am absolutely nothing without Steve and our children. I cannot imagine a day without them, okay...a day or two, sometimes even a week but they are in the front of my mind anytime I am not with them physically. They are always and forever in each choice I make. That seems like a no-brainer but there was a time, not all that long ago, that I didn't realize how insanely important they were. Never again will I put myself first. God and then my family.
I am Stronger than I Ever Thought I Was. I have survived a lot of things in my life. I never knew how strong I was. I fall, I stumble, I cry and want to give up but I don't. I keep going. Losing Anitra was the hardest thing I have ever gone through. I truly didn't think I could survive that. I am. Some days better than others, but at the end of it all, I'm still standing. I didn't know that was possible.
Work Hard For the Things in Your Life That Matter. My family, my relationships with my friends and family, my job. I want to give them my everything that I have. It matters to not just be present and do it, but to be in the moment and to do it well. Now, I'm not perfect. I make mistakes, I get distracted but at the end of the day, it matters to me and I'm going to put my best foot forward.
Love Hard and Forgive Often. This is big for me. It's also gotten easier for me. A LOT easier for me as I've grown in faith. Love people. Simply love them, even when they aren't easy to love, even when all you want to do is walk away and be done with them. Love them. Love them as hard as you can. It's not always easy. If you do walk away, be strong in knowing that you've made the right choice. I am quick to anger, quick to raise my voice, quick with harsh words, so this is hard for me. Love first. Love unconditionally. It's the most amazing feeling in the world. Forgive them when they can't be who you thought they were or who you think you need.
I could go on with more lessons that I've learned in the last 37 years but these are probably the most important to me. These are the ones that have kept me balanced and centered the most.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Songs I love/hate
I don't know if it's because it's the end of a long week and I seem to be mostly brain dead, or if it's because there is no way that I could ever just pick one song that was love, but this blog prompt is way overwhelming to me.
I seriously love music. There are so many types of music that I love that I couldn't ever pick just one, or two, or even three.
I love the monster jam hair bands music. I love country music. I like some hip-hop. I like some rap (love me some Eminem). I like classical, jazz, gospel...
I have seen Reba (my fav!!), Elton John (Omgosh!), Travis Tritt, Carrie Underwood, Lynyrd Skynard...okay, so mostly I've only seen country stars, but I love the other kinds.
In May, I'm seeing Cher and Cindi Lauper. In June, I'm seeing James Taylor.
Music is life and life is music. :)
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Favorite Drinks
Yesterday the prompt was "wordless Wed" and while I'm sure I was supposed to be creative, I really just used it as an excuse to not write anything because, to be honest, I was emotionally wiped out. I don't know how parents of critically ill kids do it. This week has been such a rollercoaster of emotions and scenarios. And it was really "just" a broken finger.
Oh...and this injury courtesy of Ms. Genna. The neighbor asked if we had to have two people in the house hurt at the same time. I told him that with so many of us, our odds were a lot higher than his family of four. favorite drink. Hands down, diet coke. I have a slight addiction. Ok, probably more than slight. I know it's bad for me. I know it's all chemicals and will probably cause health problems down the road but I don't really care. A few years ago, I gave it up and only drank vitamin water. I got kidney stones. I am taking that as a sign. Ok, not really...but I'm not giving it up either. I cut back. :)
Happy Thursday everyone. I hope you all enjoy your favorite beverage today!
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Pick Pocket Fail
It started on a busy Monday. Since I have 6 kids, I don't get overly excited about a call from the school. I get less excited about one from the school nurse. Many times during the year I get calls from them telling me someone fell on the playground, someone needed an ibuprofen or cough drop or any other number of things.
This one was my Trey. "Uh mom (he really says it just like that) I was in PE and got my finger caught and it bent all the way back and it's puffy and it kind of hurts." At this point the nurse gets on the phone. I love our school nurse. She started with them in elementary and has followed the boys to middle school. She said this one probably really did need looked at.

We saw the pediatrician and had x-rays done. She called at 4:00 yesterday and confirmed it was broken and said that because the break went into the joint, we should have it looked at by an orthopedic surgeon. I thought, "that seems a bit much for a broken finger but I guess if she thinks so we should do it."
At 12:30 today the very handsome doctor was able to show us the break. He also said the words that no parent really wants to hear, "it's a minor surgery to fix it." SURGERY??!! What?? Did I just miss something? It's a broken finger. You buddy tape them for a few weeks and away you go. Except when the break actually occurs IN the joint. Then...well then, apparently, you have surgery.
So tomorrow at 6:30 am we head to one of the out-patient surgical centers and that very handsome doctor will re-set the joint and put a temporary pin or two in his finger. He will have a special 3 finger cast like thing for 3 weeks and then we'll go in and have the pin removed. Then we get to buddy tape them and he'll be back to new.
Lots of prayers please for this brave guy. He's mostly only afraid of the needle needed for the IV. We talked about it and I promised him that if he's really goofy after the surgery I'll record it and post it on YouTube. He seemed pretty excited about that.
Monday, April 21, 2014
21 Things About Me
Today I would blog about Trey breaking his finger but since I've already posted that on Facebook, and I can't think of anything else to type, I'll do the list of 21. I can't promise that they won't be things you already know about me. I can't even promise they will even be very interesting so I take absolutely no offense to you not wanting to read them.
1. I have monkey feet. Well that's what Steve calls them. I asked him to tell me something interesting about me and this is what he gave me. My middle toe is the longest of all of my toes. Even longer than my big toe. It's genetic, my mom has them and some of my kids have them.
2. I'm not really an animal lover. This is only "interesting" because we have so many of them. We have a dog, 2 cats, and a rabbit. We recently had a turtle and a hamster also. In a perfect world, I probably would only babysit animals and not really own them. (This was Genna's for me.)
3. I love getting my nails done. (This is Tai's for me.) It's true. I absolutely love to get my nails done. I love having my feet and my hands done. It makes me feel pretty. I realize it's completely superficial but I don't really care.
4. I like tattoos. Okay, I LOVE tattoos. If I didn't work at some place so professional, and if I could afford them, I would have a ton more. I also love them on other people. Now, there is a limit but pretty much at the "over-the-top, tattoo-upon-tattoo, covers your face" point.
5. I love to read. My favorite are murder/romantic/comedy books. Not really romance, but murder with a hint of romance are great books. Legal thrillers are fantastic.
6. I wish I were left-handed. Yep, it's weird, but true. I really wish I were left-handed. I wish my husband were left-handed. I find incredibly intriguing. I think because it's pretty odd to come across left-handers.
7. My kids ONLY want to talk to me when I'm clearly doing something. I know a lot of parents say this and I'm sure to some degree it's true. They can ignore me all day long and then the moment I sit to have a conversation, type an email, blog, read a book, watch tv...they are all OVER me!! It's insanity!
8. Steve and I have been together for 16 years. We met in high school. We've been together since Tai was about 10 months old. We've been through an amazing amount of crap, and we're still here. We've been married for 13 years at the end of this month.
9. We had a secret wedding. We did plan a secret wedding because we wanted to get married before we moved to KC so Steve could go to school. It was important to Steve that we have a bigger ceremony so people could come, mainly his mom and family, so we didn't tell hardly anyone that we got married. Six months later, with wedding plans falling apart and life getting more distracted, we decided that we didn't need a bigger ceremony and we just told people.
10. I never had visions of a big wedding. Not even when I was little. They say all little girls do but not me. I never wanted all the pomp and circumstance. Mostly because of my family dynamics but also because it just wasn't for me. I don't really like social gatherings anyway, so the thought of a day devoted social gatherings with the center of attention being me, was so far outside of my comfort zone.
11. I love the old sitcom stay-at-home kind of life. I want to make my own bread, make my own butter, bake my own cookies kind of life. The more simple life is the better. Not that those things are simple, just the way they make them look on TV is. I want to make my kids clothes and iron stuff. I so don't hope anyone gets offended by this because I by no-means think this is easy or simple to do. I lack the skills and patience to be that person completely.
12. I forget a lot. Like a lot. A bunch of little things. Some big things. If I don't write it down, it's usually gone...until the day of or until an hour after I need it. I wish this weren't true. It would make my life so much easier if I weren't like this. I'm typing this as I look at the things that Genna needs for Heritage School, know that if I don't get them on the calendar that we will be scrambling the night before.
13. I love The Blacklist. We watch it Monday night after the kids go to bed. It's one of the things I look forward to the most of the week. He's being very patient with me tonight and waiting until I am done with this so that we can watch it.
14. No dark chocolate for me. If I have my absolute choice of chocolate, the answer is white chocolate, then milk chocolate. The end. No dark chocolate. Ever. I think it's yucky. My candy of choice would be Starbursts. Fruity and bright.
15. I like to have the latest, coolest phone. I don't understand half the things my phone does. Okay, half is being generous, but I love that I have a phone that will do all these cool things. If someone could sit down and show me what they do, I'd love it!
16. I prefer vegetables to fruit. Pretty much any vegetable is better than a fruit. I like fruit, sort of but mostly it's about the veggies for me. Cooked or raw, with dip or plain. Oh...cheesy broccoli and cauliflower.
17. I sleep with 5 pillows. No wonder we have such a big bed. I have two thin pillows for under my head and a "neck" pillow. I have a big body pillow to help with my hips and then I use a fat pillow with that one for my arms. I have a very particular way that I am comfortable in my bed.
18. I have had 10 surgeries. Three of them were the birth of my children. Only c-sections for this momma. Most of my surgeries have to do with my reproductive organs. I'm sure I will probably have to have more surgeries in my life but we'll see. I seem to kind of go in spurts and I'd really prefer to not have anymore.
19. Hair. I love short hair!! I say that I have short hair because if it grows longer than my chin, it falls out. That's true, but probably because it stresses me out. The truth is that if I could (again with that job thing) I would have even shorter hair with wild colors and it would change regularly.
20. I don't like to re-watch movies or tv episodes. I'm not a re-run watcher. Well except for Friends. There are very few movies that I like to watch more than once. Very few. I don't see the point if I already know the ending. I am pretty much the same way with books. I can only think of a couple of books that I have re-read. Again, I already know the ending.
21. I love butterflies. Butterflies are a sign of hope. I am nothing if not hopeful (most days). When I die, I want the majority of my ashes to go into the butterfly pavilion at the zoo. The Lincoln zoo.
Okay, if you made it to the end, you are either very bored or extremely dedicated. Twenty-one things about me. None of them very interesting, or very insightful and deep.
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Another Holiday
Missing my sister horribly this weekend. We used to have so much fun getting baskets ready for the kids. The year we filed the eggs with pennies indeed of candy and have them tootsie roll banks and hid them all over the apartment was epic.
In other news, Jack has joined our family. Apparently we don't just adopt kids...Jack is 5 and lost his family in March, now he has a new one. Rey and Ariez like that concept, even if Ariez hasn't completely warmed up to him yet. I guess with Rythm leaving, someone needed to take her place. :)
Blessed Easter to all.
Friday, April 18, 2014
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Thankful Thursday
It's Thursday, it's Holy Thursday so it's my favorite kind of Thursday. Obviously thankful for the reason for Holy Thursday, even though I'm not sure what religions celebrate this day. I'm super thankful that I don't have to work tomorrow too. I love three day weekends! And today was dessert day at work...omgosh...I can't believe I'm not in a sugar coma.
Mostly today, I'm thankful for this guy...
We've had some rough times. He's never given up. Not on us. Not on me. Sometimes, he gives up on himself but that rarely lasts long.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
What Did You Give Up?
This makes me think. The prompt does not tell me what to relate this to. It's a little vague...which I'm sure is intentional. What did I give up? Well it mostly depends on what aspect of my life you are asking about. I gave up sleep to have children. I gave up drinking when I realized I was drinking too much, too often. I gave up sugar soda when I started WW the first time. I gave up loose fitting clothes when I decided to eat my emotions.
I was talking with a friend this morning about giving myself completely to God. So I'm going to tell you what I gave up when I did that because that one is a completely glorious feeling. Disclaimer: I'm not perfect at it. I still worry when I should pray. I still stumble and need to pick myself back up. I still get angry and yell even though I continue to pray for more patience and less anger. I still feel guilty about things that I no longer have any control over. I still hear my mistakes and continue to ask forgiveness even though I know it's already been given.
I have always been a believer. I have always known that God had given His son for our salvation. I have always told people that they needed to ask forgiveness for the things they had done in their life and that they would be forgiven. I have always believed that if you believed in Jesus, you would go to Heaven. Until recently, that was a belief that I held for others but not myself. I held onto things that I didn't think I deserved to even ask for forgiveness for. I know these were things that I would tell others they weren't their fault or things that they could ask forgiveness for and all would be well. The core problem was that I didn't believe that I had the right to ask for forgiveness. I didn't believe that I was worthy of the forgiveness.
And then, one day I did. There were events that led up to it that I won't go into but I was in a really dark place in my life. The lowest place that I had been in probably my entire life. This was kind of a one of those times that was life or death for me. I don't know what would have happened for me if I hadn't gone to church that day.
It was Sunday morning and we were having communion. The pastor said the same thing he said every communion day. "If you have given yourself to God and accepted him into your life, please come up." I had not taken communion prior to this. I didn't believe that I was worthy. This day, I felt a calmness come over me. I heard a voice from within me (I truly believe was Him) saying "it's time to let go." Silent tears fell from my eyes and I gave it all to Him. All of it. I gave Him all of the things I had never been able to give Him because I didn't feel worthy. I felt a peace that I had never before felt. I felt a worthiness that I had never before felt. I was 36 years old and for the first time in a very long time, I felt a love that I didn't know existed.
So what did I give up? I gave up years of guilt. I gave up guilt for things I had no control over. I gave up so much worry about things I couldn't do anything about. Mostly, I gave up feeling unworthy. I gave up feeling doomed. I gave up being a hypocrite and realized that there is nothing I can do that can turn Him away from me. I gave up the need to be perfect. I gave up myself so that I could truly be a child of God.
What I got, what I have now, is so much more. I am blessed with having been able to give it all up.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Date Night
Approximately every 3 weeks Steve goes to counseling with me. I'm not ashamed of that fact. Let's be real, life happens and sometimes it seems life happens hard. Sometimes we don't communicate well and with the sheer enormity of what our lives feel like, we really need to be able to communicate. So we go see our beloved Cheryl every 3 weeks or so and we stay on track and stay connected that way. We love her. She is a great. She helps us understand each other better. She helps us love each other more.
The other HUGE benefit of our "date" to see our counselor is that we go to dinner. Just the two of us, which I get is the point of date night. We don't have to go somewhere fancy, although sometimes we do. We don't have to get dressed up, usually we don't. It's this little piece of heaven. It's this HUGE deep breath that we need so much every few weeks. We get to just order for ourselves, not tell anyone to sit down and eat, not be interrupted with bathroom requests. There are no rules for this night. I know some couples who say you can't talk about the kids or work. That's not the case for us. We talk about what needs to be talked about. We are just us and can just be us together. Even if it's just for a couple of hours every few weeks.
At some point in our lives, we will probably need less "breaks" from the kids. At some point, we will probably be so sick of being alone together we won't know what to do. For now, we'll keep our "date night" appointments.
Monday, April 14, 2014
Biggest Pet Peeve
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Today's prompt is to post a fave recipe, product, or book. Since my blog is about our family, I'm going to tell you about laundry. Such lucky readers I have. :)
With 8 people in our house, I can't even begin to tell you the amount of laundry we have. Having never, ever been good about staying caught up with laundry, I'm not even sure how we have made it this far except that I truly have an amazing husband.
The two older girls have been doing their own laundry for a while now. Almost always using too much detergent. I couldn't imagine how the boys and Genna would flood the washer with suds!
Then came the most amazing invention. The most perfect, absolute washer/mess saving product. The gel pack. This things truly might be the best idea since sliced bread. I think people use that quote too often but in this case it is so true!
They are called Mighty Packs and oh my gosh...they are amazing! Nobody uses too much. Nobody uses too little. They have saved us. The boys and Genna now do laundry because I don't have to worry about a mess. It's fantastic! Every Sunday they know they will be doing laundry. When they've washed and dried their clothes, they dump them on the table in the game room and they are all responsible for getting their own clothes out of the pile, fold them, and put them away. I'm in love.
We still have an insanely messy laundry room that would make Anitra roll over in her grave, if she had one, but honestly...this product has added years to my life. At the very least, less stressful years for however many I am blessed with.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Another Dance and Teamwork
Last night was another dance for one of our kiddos. Tai and friends had a dance at the zoo school and they looked fabulous. I love Tai's style and I adore her friends. They are a really great group of kids and we could not be happier that she has them and they have her.

Tai and Lex got ready here and then 2 of the boys, Keaton and Timo, got dropped off here. Rythm did Tai's hair and helped her get ready. The dance was early so I didn't get to see them before they left. :( The kids then left (I LOVE THAT THEY CAN DRIVE THEMSELVES) and they picked up Tori and Will.
A good time was had by all! (Well, I think so anyway...I've only seen Tai!)
This afternoon Genna and I decided that we could totally handle the leaf blower/sucker on our own. So a trip to Ace's and we were set. We got the right cord and leaf bags and we knew what needed to be done.
We started on our own and realized that it was going to take us a VERY long time if nobody volunteered to help. So I did what any good mom would do and told the boys they had to help! Trey and Ariez came out and the neighbor boy got extra supplies to help us too. We were really rocking then. Granted they didn't volunteer, but they got into it soon enough.
Steve got home from work and much to his surprise we were really making progress! Rey was on her rollerblades and we had her and the neighbor girl picking up sticks and any trash. In really no time at all we had 10 bags full of leaves at the curb and we were as done as we were going to be today! Honestly, if the extra helpers hadn't come out, Genna and I would still be out there on maybe bag 2 or 3. Teamwork is AWESOME!!
Oh...I don't have a picture but Tai said that with all the dirt on me it looked like I had reverse Michael Jackson disease!! After a quick shower, everyone was rewarded for their hard work with Chinese buffet for dinner. Sushi and crab legs for me!
It was a great day! My magnolia tree is blossoming and my peonies are coming up too. Spring is most certainly in the air!
And...this is my favorite kind of blog!
Friday, April 11, 2014
Did You Ever See Yourself Doing What You Do Today?
One of my co-workers walked by once and asked how I was doing one day. I said, "living the dream." Then I realized I was actually living one of my dreams. Weird...I never aspired to be an administrative assistant. However, there were some clues that I would be doing that some day. When we were little, my little sister and I would play "secretary". On snow days we would get out all the old catalogs we had in the house and pretend that we were helping people make selections from them. We would pretend that we were answering phones for doctors or lawyers. Those were very important messages that we were taking. We would play that we were making photocopies and typing.
Little did I know what great practice that would be. Little did I know that years later I would be an all grown-up, phone answering, message taking, selection (which form to use) helper, photocopying (and fixing), help everybody at once, machine.
I LOVE IT! I love the work I do, I mostly love the people I do it for (come on, nobody likes EVERYBODY)! I have the perfect hours. I have the perfect desk. I am a total office supply nerd. I love it when the Office Supply Fair is in August. It's like a job fair but full of office supplies. I love answering the phones. I am such a geek, I even love it when there are multiple lines ringing at the same time...for short periods of time. I love greeting great clients and I love helping people. I am so blessed to have the job I have. I love the amount of growth that I have been able to experience. Excel is still not my absolute favorite thing in the world but I know how to use it.
Everyday isn't perfect and I there are tons way better administrative assistants than me but I don't suck. I think I might even be a little good at it.
So maybe I didn't really "see" myself doing this when I got older but in a way, I kind of did...and I'm more than kind of excited about it.
I am blessed.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Where Do You See Yourself in 10 Years
That's right, 10 years from now we will be preparing our youngest to graduate from high school. It doesn't seem so far away when I think about it like this. It's exciting and a little sad at the same time. I hope that having gone through it 5 times already won't take the thrill out of it. I hope that being the youngest won't make it seem less important (you know, like the baby book thing).
In 10 years, there is a strong reality that I'll be a "Nana". I am most certainly NOT in a hurry for that to happen, but the reality is that in 10 years Rythm will be 27 and Tai 26 so it's certainly a possibility. That will be a fun time. It will be so exciting for them to get married and have babies. ALL after they have graduated from college! Being Nana and Papa will be a fun time for Steve and I.
In 10 years Steve and I will still be working, (we are not THAT old!) but I do hope that we will still be able to travel some. There are so many things that I can't wait to see and explore with my hubby. In 10 years we will be getting ready to celebrate 23 years together. We have a lot to look forward over the next 10 years.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Share Your Favorite Poetry
Ummm...ummm...okay...seriously?? I don't know. Today's prompt wins. I will not forget to post, or even not post because I have nothing to share. I'll address the prompt.
April is poetry month. Did you know that? I didn't. I know it's Limb Loss Awareness Month. I know that April 17th is National High Five Day. I did not know that poetry got a month.
It should. It's absolutely deserving of a month. I love reading, or hearing, great poetry. I don't know what makes it great poetry. I just know I like the way it feels or sounds.
I can't name any great poets. Wait, not entirely true. Robert Frost, Edgar Allen Poe, Dr. Suess, Shel Silverstein. I'm sure there are others that I might be able to name if hard pressed.
Oh, I just realized I do have a favorite...
April showers bring May flowers. Wait, is that poetry?
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Your Favorite Photograph and Explain Why
The day after Anitra died, people sat in the house trying to find pictures that would represent the life she lived the most. In most of the pictures you could read her eyes and know to what degree of mental illness she was living in. You could see her young, in the days before the darkness took over. You could see her with her children, a special brightness in her eyes. You could see her in the last picture taken of her, a very scary look to her eyes (how had I missed that look when I took the picture?). As much joy as looking at some of those pictures brought, there was also much sadness in know that there would never be another one. In the pictures of sadness, there was no peace when you knew how her life ended.
We have family pictures from when we were on vacation. A family, that while I love with all of my heart, makes me feel guilty to have sometimes. It's no secret how I feel about her children. They are mine in every sense of the word. I could not love them more if I have had given birth to them. I do feel guilty though. I know they are mine because she is gone. I know that I have them to love as mine because she trusted us with them. So while the family pictures are happy, there is forever a bitter-sweetness to them.
I see pictures of my children young and it makes me smile. I see pictures of my husband and I so much younger and it makes me remember what we were like in the beginning. I see pictures of myself growing up and I'm reminded of the past. I see pictures of my grandparents, parents, etc...and it's fun to think about the time that has passed and how much more time will pass.
It's not that I think pictures are bad. I love them. I'm just not able to pick one. They say a picture can tell a thousand words and I know it's true. I'm grateful for that. It's just hard to hear some of the words.
So...I waited all day but in the end, I did blog. I even stayed on topic, though I'm sure that this is not the direction of the topic. I'm getting really good with that. :)
Monday, April 7, 2014
What do people not understand about me's prompt/topic is a tough one. There are probably a lot of things that people don't understand about me. So shall I pick one or generalize several?
I am, for the most part, a pretty open book. I will share most of my story (sometimes overshare) with pretty much anyone who asks. What people fail to realize is that if I've shared my story with you, I'm not asking for your opinion of it and when you share your opinion/judgement, it hurts and makes me re-think each decision I've made. I realize that expecting others to be as non-judgemental as I am is definitely more my problem then theirs.
Here's probably the biggest thing that people don't realize about me. I absolutely think first with my heart and second with my mind. People seem to think that means that I haven't even thought about all sides of an issue. I will most likely follow my heart, that's who I am. That does NOT mean that I have not taken every logical option into account. If logic is what it is best, I will absolutely take that into consideration.
Here's the plus to the way I make decisions...I am more forgiving, more caring, less judgemental, less cynical, more open, more honest. Following my heart has allowed me to be all those things that you actually love and like about me. So hold your opinion when you think I've made a mistake and shouldn't follow my heart. Do you really want me to be less of the person I am?
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Favorite Thing to do on Sunday
Our family's absolute favorite thing to do on Sunday, or at least mine and Steve's favorite thing on Sunday, is to have family dinner. We love to have a traditional dinner on Sunday evening. Tonight was roasted chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, and corn. Sometimes we try new recipes, but typically, it's about those classic types of homestyle cooking.
The kids know this and I think they've come to expect and enjoy it. It's the one night a week that everyone really tries to be home for dinner. We try not to schedule other things on Sunday evening. We try to just be in that moment. No rushing through dinner to get running onto other activities, no going out to eat, and we try to not have company on Sunday night.
This helps us to re-connect. It helps us to look at what's coming up for the next week. It's a chance, sometimes the only one we get, to just have a conversation with all the kids.
I think it's something we'll continue to do. I would like the kids to know that no matter where they are, or what they are doing, they can come home for dinner. To connect, to eat a good wholesome meal, and to just be.
Saturday, April 5, 2014
I will post more pics on fb later. This was her "hair is done and getting my nails done" picture. I can't wait to see her all ready to go. We are going to the park to take pics and then sending her and Marcus on their way.
I pray that it will be everything she dreams it to be. I hope she has fun and remembers that this is a life experience that she will have the memories of forever. I pray that she continues to make good choices and that tonight be a dream night for her.
As with all milestone events, this one will be met with a few "missing mom" tears, and that's just fine. My sister is in everything we do, everyday. This should be no different. I pray that mom watch over her and smile upon her on this very special day.
Love you Rythm!
Friday, April 4, 2014
These Are A Few of My Favorite Things...About Spring
The other morning we were headed out the door for school and I heard a very excited "MOM! Look, the grass is turning green!" I am not sure who was more excited.
I left home one day and said to Steve, "some of my flowers are coming up." I then came home home to this...
Okay...that's a bit of an exaggeration since the sky hasn't really been that blue yet and I don't have quite as beautiful looking daffodils, but you get the picture. :)
So here are a few of my other favorite things about Spring...
-the days seem longer because it's light out later
-the kids spend more time outside (I adore hearing their laughter as they play in the driveway and yard)
-the birds visit the bird feeder and it freaks out one of the daughters and makes the rest of us giggle
-the kids get excited about school coming to a close for the year
-Easter is coming!
-softball will be starting for Ms. G
-less clothes!! (I can fit way more pairs of shorts in the washer than jeans!)
-and last, but more importantly, the SUN shines and I am able to feel much needed relief from the evils of depression and anxiety.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Day 3 of 30
Okay, so I've been thinking about this one a little bit. I believe that I am not the same me that I was yesterday, or the day before that. I am absolutely (and thankfully) not the me I was a year ago, 5 years ago, etc, etc...So what continues to make me, me?
First and foremost, my relationship with God has made me a different, and better, me than I was. I believe that I am more compassionate, more caring, more understanding, less judgmental, more forgiving. The list goes on. God makes me, me. More importantly, my relationship with Him makes me, me.
I am firm believer that the really bad things that happen in your life can do one of two things for you. They can make you bitter, cynical, angry, and hateful. Or, they can make you better, wiser, stronger. Whenever something truly traumatic happens I go into "survival" mode. Give me a couple days, few weeks, a month (depending on the severity of the event) and I fall apart. I am a wreck for a couple of days and then, the things that make me, me truly kick in.
I AM a better, wiser, stronger person for everything single that has happened and will happen in my life. I AM a survivor, a compassionate person, a listener, a fighter, a supporter, a lover. I AM all of those things. I am NOT weak, though I have my weak moments. I am NOT incapable of handling things, though I falter at times. My life is NOT a mistake, though I have made mistakes.
What makes me, me? My God, my husband, my children, my past, my future, my accomplishments, my failures. Those are the things that make me, me.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
30 Days (Day 1 on 2)
Your Goals For the Month of April
1. Realizing that it's never REALLY too late to accomplish the things you want to accomplish (I figured that was fitting)
2. Actually nailing this 30 day challenge...I really DO want to blog more...this will be a good challenge for me
3. I am going to walk more this month. I really need to get to stepping and I think I've run out of excuses
4. I am going to be more patient and more soft spoken with my children and husband
5. I am going to "hide" less often
6. I am going to love more
7. My house is really going to get clean (thank you for the new mop honey)
I have a bunch more that I could add but I think these are a good start. I'll let you know how it goes.
30 Days of Blogging (Day 2)
"Your Biggest Fear"
There are a lot of things in life that I fear. If you ask my kids what I'm most afraid of, they will tell it's the dreaded "s" word. The slimy (though I've been told they aren't actually slimy), slithering thing that used get the loudest screams from Grandma as she worked in the flowers. The most common ones in our part of NE are green, not all that long...of course that doesn't really matter. Anything that gets around that fast and quietly, is a little scary.
Over summer vacation I tried to concur that fear. Well, I won't say it's been concurred, and I can almost promise you that I won't be doing it again but I faced the fear. For a brief moment at least.
I don't think that this is probably as deep, or necessarily even the type, of fear that was suggested we tackle on day 2 of 30 but that's where I took it today. Well, that's the best part of can be whatever I need it to be.
Big shout out and thank you to Kelsey for encouraging more blogging!