
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The 1st day of 2013

Let me start by saying that I was not excited about 2013 starting without my sister. I did not want 2012 to end because it felt like we were leaving that in the past and she will never be in the past. Anitra will always live in the present and future inside all of us in everything we do. I know this and still it seemed like an awful thing to happen. New Year's is supposed to be about new beginnings and all that jazz. I don't want a new beginning without her. I've struggled with this day looming for a couple of days.

God has a funny way of reminding me that there will forever be bigger things to do then simply miss my sister. Not that missing her is anything simple. The new year started with a bang at 12:45 am and my care taker role was much needed. Every time I feel like I'm just to allow myself a day of non-existence and hide in my room, I am needed by something greater than me. That situation ended fine with everyone being safe and warm and right where they needed to be at the time.

NEXT drama!! (There is always some!) Rey has troubles keeping her hands off of things that aren't hers. She's 6 so that's totally to be expecting. Unfortunately what she decided she had to have her hands on today was Tai's phone.

Eleven and half hours later, we still do not know where the phone is. Rey has changed stories so many times today that even I'm lost as to when she saw it, when she had, and where she may have taken it. All I know is that we have turned the house completely upside and we still have no phone. We have checked the cars, the outside, the trash, every room, every couch, every drawer. The phone is not to be found. Rey couldn't just misplace the phone, she also had to turn it off so we cannot use locator services or call it to hear it ring.

Tai has actually handled the situation much better than I thought she would. She's been frustrated to say the least but she has not freaked out. She has not yelled, cried, or stomped. I am really proud of her. I have not acted quite as well as she has. No big surprise there. I have yelled, cried, AND stomped to no avail. We cannot find the phone.

On the plus side, I did vacuum the innards of all of my furniture and swept behind and under all the couches and chairs. So at least 2013 has started with clean floors.

So, while it wasn't the day that I anticipated having, it was much more productive and I was reminded that life will in fact go on. I'm sure Anitra is getting a little laugh out of this one, as she and others were constantly misplacing her things.

1 comment:

  1. Oh goodness, phones can be so frustrating. We always laugh when we lose ours (we leave them on vibrate most of the time) but what's the point of having one if it's on vibrate and you can't find it!? Good luck and hopefully it'll show up. It always seems to work out that when you stop looking it'll show up.
