I have started and re-written this many times in the last 12 hours. I can't quite seem to find the right words. I worry that my Republican friends will be angry if I say too much and that my Democrat friends will be angry if I say too little. All of that leads me to not really wanting to say anything at all but that doesn't feel right to me. I feel like I NEED to say something. Not for anyone else, but for me. For me to know that I said something. For me to know that I did not stay quite and for me to look back on and remember these moments accurately.
What happened in Washington, D.C. on 1/6/2021 makes me feel...
I am angry.
I am sad.
I am in disbelief.
I am scared. Not for my safety or livelihood but for my kids and my grandkids and the world.
We the people deserve better.
We the people need to do better.
We the people need to stop pointing fingers and figure out how we got here and how we get out of here.
I understand how Trump was elected. As much as I think people missed their mark by electing him specifically, I understand the feeling that we needed a change from our regular politicians. People wanted change. People wanted to get away from politicians who care about the party more than the people.
I understand why Trump was not re-elected. Enough people realized that they missed the mark by electing a man who was not qualified to lead a country. Trump is not a leader. The majority of people who support him and fight for him, are not the majority of good Republicans. Not the majority of Republicans who care about our Nation and our livelihood. He's "leading" a group of extremists. He's like the popular guy in school who leads a group of stereotypical chuckleheads.
Now, I can recognize the good things that Trump has accomplished. He has had success in office. He has made deals happen and good things. That's because Trump is a business man. Not one that I would like to do business with but a successful business man. A good business man is not synonymous with good leader.
That being said, the lead Democrats have spent the last 4 years fit throwing and fighting at every turn. They have refused to accept Trump as the President and that has created massive issues, as well as egg on a narcissistic ego maniac. Now, these are not the good Democrats who truly want to do what is right by the American people. These are not the life long politicians that have learned to compromise and work with people across the aisle that they may not like or agree with.
I think what I'm saying in general is that "we the people" need help. We need a leader that will unite us and not divide us. We need politicians that will work for "we the people" and not just their party. "We the people" need real leaders. "We the people" need reform and we need it now.
I pray. I pray for our families. I pray for healing. I pray for our leaders to please stand up and lead our country back to wholeness.
*as a side note, I just read this to my husband and was interrupted by the tiny human who just said, "wait, is Trump real?" We said, "yes, of course he is. He is the President of the United States." She said, "is he green?" To which I replied, "no, he's orange." :)
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