This morning in my news feed there were two separate articles from two separate sites. The topic today was bananas.
The first article was telling us that we should eat bananas. We should eat bananas every day and it went on and on about the health benefits of eating these wonderful yellow things.
The second article was telling us that we should NOT eat bananas. Eating bananas has potentially bad side effects for our health. The article talked about how these little evil yellow things could actually be doing more harm than good.
I read an article the other day telling us how precisely to eat a banana. That you could actually eat a banana the wrong way and lose any of the good things that bananas have in them.
My head is confused and as I tried to figure out what it all meant this morning I realized that this is exactly like everything else out there! Someone somewhere is going to tell you not to do what you think is good for you and someone else is going to tell you that very same thing is the best thing for you. How in the world are we supposed to keep it all straight?
We're not. There is no way to. We have to use common sense and gut feelings and make these some of these decisions ourselves.
As much as I wish I could say that the bananas were code word for life, or any number of other really important things, it's not. The articles really were about bananas.
So good luck out there as you figure out whether or not to eat the bananas, or not to eat the bananas, and if you are going to eat them, good luck figuring out when and where and how.
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