
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Almost Time

On the 9th, my boys leave for a week in Washington, DC. They are getting really excited. I think they will be so glad that the day is finally here because then I won't be able to "give them instruction" anymore about how they need act, what they need to do, how to stay safe, going over the rules. All the things that make me a mom.

I am getting really excited and REALLY nervous. T went when she was 14 and while I was a little nervous, it was different. She had been away from me before, not that I liked it but it wasn't as scary. She had flown before, by herself even. The boys don't seem as old at 14 as T was. Not because they aren't mature, but because they are forever in my mind as this little boys. 

My boys have never been away from me for that long before. My boys have never flown and they will be doing that for the first time without me. They will be in a huge city in a very far away place and I won't really know what they are doing or when or why. It's so unsettling. I'm always there to tell them to go to bed and brush their teeth and shower. They probably still really need me to do that for them, right?! 

I know they are going to have a blast. I know that this is going to be a great learning experience for them. I am so glad that they are able to go and experience this. I know that they will not be as clean as I want them to be. I know they won't eat the foods that I want them to. I know that they will waste some of their money on junk. I know that's all a part of this experience for them. 

I will miss them. I will worry about them. I will be in a constant state of prayer that week. I will be glad when they are back home safely. 

I am so glad they have the opportunity to go. 

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