
Saturday, August 15, 2020

What's Real?

This is such a confusing time. I honestly don't even know who to believe or what to believe from where. Half of the world is telling us that COVID-19 is going to kill us and that we are re-opening too soon and not taking this seriously. The other half of the world is telling us that we are over-reacting and that the world has made too big of a deal out of COVID-19.

Forget half the world. These are real conversations in my family, in my workplace, in the grocery store. How are any of us even supposed to know what to think? How to feel? When it will end? What precautions to take and what precautions are silly?

I don't know! On my social media feeds, I am bombarded with "you're not doing enough!" followed by the next post of "this is silly, you're doing too much!"

Our work office closed its doors in March and we have been mostly working from home. We are slowly starting to come back to the office but are not allowing clients to come in. Previously there were few restrictions in our shared building but now they are telling us to wear a mask upon entering the building. We can, fortunately, take it off once we have reached our suites but why is there a NEW mask requirement if COVID is supposed to be tapering off?

MY personal best advice is to do what makes you feel comfortable. If you are having interactions with me and you want me to put on a mask, just ask me to. I won't be offended. I sometimes wear it and sometimes don't. I am diligent about washing my hands anywhere I go and when I come home from being somewhere.

I'm trying. I think that's really all any of us can do. I just wish I knew what the reality was and who to trust and turn to for accurate information. I guess that's what this post is really about. I don't trust information for the sources available.

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