We don't get the answers to these questions. We pray and ask God to watch over us and protect us. We pray to God to keep our loved ones safe and to keep the families of these victims close and comforted. When we give up on asking God for those things, the bad guys win. When we give up on humanity, the bad guys win.
I don't care if you believe in God, the universe, karma, nothing, anything...it doesn't matter to me. My choice is God. It doesn't mean it's the right one, it's just the right one for me. That said, when things like this happen we must all come together and believe in each other. We must believe in the good of people. We must believe in the goodness of humanity.
As I watch the videos of the explosions, I see so many people run TOWARDS the explosion. They don't run away and hide. They run towards it to help and to care for their fellow man. That is how the good guys win. That his how we defeat the bad guys.
In the next few days, we are going to hear so much (some right, some wrong). We will hear about the bad guys who did this. We will hear about the bad guys who did horrible things in the past. While it's important that we know who our enemy is, I think it's almost as important to know who our allies are. I think it's important that we see more images of the good guys running towards the mayhem. I think it's important that we focus our attention on the good things people are doing to help their fellow man.
I have realized that when events like this happen, it's really easy for me to sit and watch the news, read all the articles about what we're supposed to be scared of and looking for. What I've noticed is that it doesn't stop the next bad thing from happening. I am going to pray that they catch these bad guys and that they will pay for their hatred and the pain that they have caused. I am going to try to focus my attention, and the attention of my children, on the good guys. The police that find the bad guys, the doctors and nurses who heal the wounded, the friends and families of the wounded, the blood banks stepping up, the strangers who offer helping hands to those stranded in Boston without their belongings tonight. I'm going to focus my attention on the good guys because for me, and I'm not saying this has to work for you, but for me, this is how I beat the bad guys. I'm not going to live in fear of them because I know that if they come, the good guys will be there to help me and my loved ones.