
Sunday, April 12, 2020

Emotion Cycling

When you have bi-polar, you are used to emotions cycling. The greatest gift I have given myself over the years, is learning what has caused me to cycle. That allows me to recognize that it's the manic cycle and then I can have better control of it. Sometimes it takes a little bit for me to recognize it. Sometimes I need a gentle reminder from a loved one that I'm shifting.

The problem with all this world changing every second of every minute, and social distancing, is that I am experiencing so many cycles in a much shorter time span and not able to figure out why I'm feeling the way I'm feeling and not able to anticipate the cycle. The cycles have become shorter and more often. I'm trying to manage that to the best of my ability. Sometimes I win and sometimes ($400 grocery bill later) I lose.

It's taking a toll on me.

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