
Sunday, April 12, 2020

April 3, 2020

The announcement was finally made that the remainder of the school year will occur at home through remote learning. My heart is sad for these kiddos. They miss their friends and activities. There will be no final choir concert for R; no end of year play for G; no 8th grade "grad" party, and the list goes on. The kids are actually taking it pretty well. I know they're bummed.

It has been fun to hear R laugh with her friends on phone calls. It's been amazing to see G use absolutely all of the resources to make this experience work for them. They have become such an advocate for their own mental health that it's promising for their future. That doesn't mean there aren't challenges, it just means that they are seem to be navigating them to the best of their abilities.

This week the world lost Joe Diffie (country music singer) and the co-writer to Stacey's Mom to the virus. Those are the famous people that I've heard about. Takshi69 was released from prison early. Countless non-violent offenders are being released from jail early all over the world.

Life is constantly changing and it feels like just when we get the swing of a new routine there's another shift. They have not put Lincoln on "stay at home" orders but I think eventually they might.

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