When you have a large family, you accept the fact that when there is a bug going around, someone in your house is bound to get it and spread it to the others. Flu and cold season can be rough around here.
One of our children is being tested for COVID-19. The chances that she has it are very, very slim but the doctor is recommending that she be tested. I am less worried about her having it then who she might have exposed to it. She is a relatively healthy child who would surely be fine if she got it. Updates will come on that.
For a Civics lesson, I am making my school-age children watch Who Killed Malcom X on Netflix. We are not primarily focused on the WHO so much as learning more about Malcom X. I am trying to find some creative ways to "teach" my children during this remote learning. As of this week, they have some remote learning but most of it is review and there isn't much of it right now. I do not expect them to be "learning" 8 hours a day but do want some lessons and instruction. On Monday, I taught one of them how to make chili.
Yesterday was a rough day for me. I just felt grumbly and frustrated with all of it. I also had a massive headache yesterday and a slight fever but today I'm fine. I will monitor my "symptoms" and hate that I have now second guess every cough or sneeze I have.
Today is a better day for me at least. I was sad when I woke up but have been able to keep my spirits up. I am missing my fast food breakfast but I'm sure my body is thankful for the break. My attempts to not eat everything within reach have been better today as I moved "everything within reach" further away and out of sight.
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