
Monday, March 23, 2020

March 23, 2020

The start of week 2 working from home. Purchased a new laptop today. That's always an adventure. Day 1 of Remote Learning. Fortunately there wasn't much for school work today. I will tell you this, the next time one of the teachers tells me that a particular child is causing distractions in the classroom, I will absolutely believe them. I may rethink the "you will do school work at the table with me."

On Friday, Gee and I did our bi-weekly grocery shopping. They were extremely helpful and it was really nice spending the day with them and being outside. BUT...

I don't want to go out anymore. It was dismal. The shelves are so bare and it made it all a little bit too real. The last time I had left the house was the Monday before. This was worse. I came home completely emotionally exhausted. This isn't the America that I'm used to and it took me the rest of the night and part of the next day to just make peace with that in my mind.

I realized how vulnerable I am. I have diabetes, fibromyalgia and chronic bronchitis. I actually realized that I AM at a higher risk and that it could be much more dangerous for me to get than it is for some others. Less than some but still more than others.

Over the weekend, we had family dinner, sent a care package to those in our family that can't be here and played poker with candy pieces. We had a lot of fun and there is more candy in this house than at Halloween. I'm not so sure that's a great thing. :)

So what I've learned the most after the first week is that it's all about balance. We are going to have good days and bad days. We are going to have good moments and bad moments. There are parts of this that we are really going to like and parts of this that we could do without. It's okay. It's okay to have those feelings. Stay strong (or have a total meltdown, just don't get stuck there)!

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