
Wednesday, July 17, 2019


We were friends back in the day. I have pictures of you from slumber parties and classes together and we worked together for a time. I can remember your smile, your tears, your laughter, your voice from choir together.

We didn't really stay in touch but I watched your family and life on Facebook. I laughed at so many of your posts and prayed for you when your aunt died. I applauded your son's graduation and your daughter's dances and your anniversaries and date nights.

I'm thinking of your family tonight. They don't know that tomorrow is just another hard day and the days since Friday have been hard but there are so many more hard ones to come. I have prayed for them. I cried for your daughter's pleas to come back. There will be more pleas in the next days and weeks and years.

My heart hurts for them as they try to make sense of the tragedy of losing you. It's over for you but really just beginning for them. So tonight I lay in bed and pray for them. I pray that you have found the peace you were looking for and I pray for their hearts that will never really beat the same.

May you rest in peace, sweet Courtney and may your family find peace in any little moments they can.


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