Every child has different needs.
Every child learns differently.
So we are now the parents of a home schooler. I had always wanted to home school the kids when they were younger but financially it wasn't an option and honestly, the older they got, the smarter they got and there was little that I could teach them anymore. I love public schools. I do. I have some wonderful family members who teach and we have had a really great experience with most of the teachers that have come into our lives.
It's not a secret that G has some major anxiety issues. It's not a secret that those anxiety issues cause some pretty big issues for her emotionally and create some serious self-safety concerns. The school has been great in trying to help us find solutions that will logically work for her. Even in the decision to home school her, we have had great support from them.
We don't think this is the answer for all of our kids. We don't think this will solve all of G's anxiety issues. (If you truly know anxiety disorder, you know it's never just as simple as that.) We are hopeful that it will provide a relief for her.
G still gets up every morning when we do, she has a schedule and a routine, she has course and school expectations. She has responsibilities and she has to complete so many hours of school work a day. She is doing an online high school for all of her common core classes and we throw in other stuff. It's only been a few days so I'm sure that there will be a lot of little adjustments and maybe even a few big ones that will need to be made.
Steve said, "what if the other kids want to home school too?" I said, "well, we'd have to decide if that was the best answer for them." We have never treated all of our children exactly the same. We never will. There are some general rules they all must follow but each child has different needs and so they all have different expectations to meet. There's no "that's unfair" at our house because what's fair for one is not fair for another.
This is the new journey we are on. Thanks for prayers and support!