It started innocently enough.
Steve sent me an email announcing The Lord of the Rings would be playing during the month of August. Every Sunday for 3 weeks. Not typically my favorite type of movie but hey, we'd spend some family time together. Some of the children made it to every movie, some of them made it to a couple, one could not make it to any due to work.
The first movie was 3 1/2 hours long. THREE and A HALF HOURS. My husband knew this. I did not. He said, "if I'd told you it was that long, you might not have gone." The second movie was 3 hours and 45 minutes long. The last movie was 4 hours and in the front row.
Here's the thing...I don't do movies all that well. I can't sit that long. While the new seats are way better than the old ones, I don't love them. At least when I'm home, I can rearrange how/where I sit. I can browse my phone. I can get up and go to the bathroom without missing anything. When you're AT the movies, these things are not possible.
I'm relieved to say that the movie marathon is over. Well, almost. Next weekend they are playing Goonies and Jaws. We have to see those. Those combined will not take 4 hours. One is in the morning and one is at night so I think maybe there will be a walk during the day.
By the way, the movies were better than I thought they would be. I would probably never know if it hadn't been for this. I survived. Sam is my favorite character (not just because Sam is a cool name). Gollum is clearly suffering from severe mental health issues and while he was freaky I found myself feeling for him. I do not think it was necessary to make all the bad guys looks SO gross but what do I know. I think the Hobbit feet are gross and the Elf ears are adorable. The relationship between Legolas and Gimli is sweet and endearing. With the exception of the killing of the elephants, the last movie was my favorite and not just because it means I don't have to sit through anymore of them.
And when Sam says to Mr. Frodo, "I cannot carry it for you, but I can carry you", I teared up. He's truly loyal and amazing and committed to his dear friend. This is what we tell G. When the depression and anxiety get too much and you feel like you can't fight it, we will fight it for you. We should all try to be more like Sam.
P.S. I did tell my husband that he owes me after all those very long movies but I'm not really sure what I'd make him do to pay up. I can't possibly sit through more movies and even if I could, he'd probably tolerate it just fine because even if it's not his kind of movie, he enjoys them anyway. I'm going to have to think on that one.