
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

"Your Favorite Blogs" (17 of 30)

So...confession...I don't read a ton of blogs. I see things from people I know or things that pop-up in my facebook feed and so I don't really follow a lot. I'm sure that's breaking some "blogger's code" or something but that's what I do. 

My favorite blog is mine. Not because I think I write exceptionally well, but because it's a great outlet for me. I love writing. I wish I could always think of great things to write about but...welcome to my life! 

Another favorite is my G's. She just recently started writing but if her first 3 posts are any indication of how she will do, she's going to be great and I look forward to reading many, many more.

Favorite number 3...MY FRIEND'S! Asian Treaures, Macaroni Wednesdays, Keeping up With Kelsey, Gretchen, Shauna...I truly enjoy reading each of the pieces that you publish. I love hearing about what's going on in your lives and I love getting the chance to read your thoughts! You each inspire me to keep writing. 

I also truly enjoy most of the guest writers from To Write Love on Her Arms. TWLOHA is an organization that brings light, and help, to thousands of people living with mental health issues. They have guest bloggers and I enjoy reading the things they write. It is almost always a way to feel a little less alone in the very dark world that depression can be. 

Mom blogs are fun, though I don't follow any faithfully. I wish I were as humorous, insightful, and creative as they were! I wish, when my kiddos were younger, I had been able to capture all the hilarious mom things that make me laugh when I read them. 

So's a pretty random list. Do you have any that you would recommend I actively follow? 

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