
Sunday, November 12, 2017

"Your Blog's Name" - Day 1 of 30 Blog Challenge

(I struggle with topics but love to write so I'm "borrowing" from other's in an attempt to get my creativity wheels turning. Writing is therapy for me, even when it's not deep or personal. So I'm taking some time for a little 'self-care' and writing about things some things that really matter and some that really don't.)

The name of my blog has changed a few times. It was hard to settle on a name. Thankfully a friend helped me design it and come up with 'Eight is Enough'.

Obviously the name came from the size of our family. There were 6 kids and 2 parents and there we go. God knows at the time, I wasn't really thinking about how much our family would grow. I knew that we were done bringing children into our home. I knew that I certainly wasn't going to biologically have anymore children.

I kind of didn't think about the other ways that our family would grow. We have a beautiful granddaughter. I hope that we have many more some day. Our children have significant others (well, one child does and others will). I didn't take into account the friends that have become family. I didn't count our extended families.

I thought about changing the name of this blog, especially after Rileigh was born, but decided that we would stick with the original eight. I think when I see it, it reminds me that eight really isn't enough. We never really just eight. We've always been so much more than that. We could never put a number on the amount of love and people we include in our family.

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