
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

March 6, 2024 - A Day for Change

 Today is 91 days since the day that changed my life. On this day, 3 months ago, I had a mini-gastric bypass surgery. I will go into more detail about what that is exactly, later.

In those 91 days, I have lost 45.4 pounds. I have dropped countless inches (countless because I am not sure we were measuring correctly so I've stopped measuring). I have gone from a size 22 in pants to a size 18. 

More importantly, I have gone from an A1C of 8.7 to 5.9 since September 2023. I no longer take ANY diabetes medications. I no longer need the use of a CPAP machine. Not only do I not snore, I haven't had any sleep apnea episodes in 3 weeks. I have gone off one of the two blood pressure medications that I take. (I've been told that it's not super uncommon for that to take a little bit longer). My cholesterol has entered a healthy range. 

So far (knock on some wood) I have not had any massive hair loss, which can be pretty common with weight-loss surgery. I have re-joined the gym. I walked ALL OVER New Orleans without feeling like I couldn't handle it. I OPTED to walk all over. I have more energy. I have less intrusive food thoughts (more about that and a great therapist later). 

It's not been a total walk in the park. There have been some REALLY hard days and some pretty intense "poor me" moments. I will talk and share more about those things. 

I have been waiting for the inspiration to share more of my story and now I feel like I can. The good, the bad, the ugly, the exhilarating. 

Through all of it, I need to thank my family and all of the people who have sent kind words and prayers. I truly could not be doing this without such an amazing support system! Not to mention the amazing doctors, nurses, and staff I have had the good fortune to have. 

Also, these posts will not be a sales pitch for any type of weight-loss surgery. This surgery is a great tool for a lot of people but it's not for everyone and you really have to be in the right mindset to do it. That said, if anyone has any questions, I'm more than happy to help and connect you with people who have answers that I do not have. 

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