
Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Nonbinary, in the most basic of definitions, is used to describe someone who isn't exclusively male or female. Nonbinary does not mean transgender but can mean transgender.

My child has come out as being non-binary. They would like us to use an abbreviated name and to use the pronouns "they" and "them" when referring to them. I love my child. I want them to be able to find a peace in their life that seems to be missing.

I want to have a better understanding of the terms used to describe non-binary people. Terms like gender dysphoria and transgender and gender fluid. I want to arm myself with as much knowledge as possible so that I can educate people who may attack my child and their lifestyle. I want to be able to passionately and intelligently have a conversation with those who don't support my child. I don't want to just be that "crazy momma bear" because I can already to that.

I want to learn what makes my child most comfortable. I want my child to know that I am a safe haven and that I will always defend them. I want my child to know that they do not need to worry about doing what makes me comfortable but that it's my job to support them in being comfortable.

I will continue to research this topic. I will continue to ask for help in finding the answers I need. I will continue to find resources for my child so that they have a better understanding of what this means to them. They may find out that this isn't actually the term that describes them best. They may find out that this is the term they have been looking for to describe themselves for years.

Somebody recently said, "I don't really know what to say about this disclosure." I thought about that for a minute. You know what, you don't have to say anything about the disclosure; you only have to treat my child with respect that they are asking for.


  1. I love your heart and passion for those society does not understand. I may not understand or agree with anyone, but that does not give me the right to disrespect them.

    I have often said, I will never be held accountable for anything you do. I will, however, be held accountable on how I treat you.

    I wish everyone could treat others the way they would like to be treated, whether or not they agree with others.

    1. Thank you, Andrew! I love the "I will never held accountable for anything you do..." I too wish more lived this way.
