
Saturday, July 20, 2019

Dear Mental Health

This was written by my pretty amazing 15 year old. She is insanely brave to share her journey and to keep fighting.

"Dear depression please stop thinking of ways you are going to crash the car.
Dear anxiety please stop worrying about people crashing into me.
Dear bipolar stop telling people you are crazy your not crazy.
Dear anxiety stop thinking about the day going bad.
Dear depression let me get out of this bed.
Dear anxiety I know I locked the door don't tell me I didn't lock the door.
Dear bipolar I don't want to laugh again.
Dear depression get out of bed I mean it.
Dear anxiety she's not looking at you, you're looking at her.
Dear depression stop asking Google if you have friends Google doesn't know anymore than you.
Dear anxiety stop thinking that Google knows everything about you.
Dear bipolar stop talking no one is listening.
Dear anxiety they aren't cheating and even if they were it's just a stupid board game.
Dear depression people do love you.
Dear brain stop rejecting the meds I need them to work this time.
Dear bipolar do not make me tell you to get out of this bed.
Dear anxiety stop telling my sister I love her she knows and she knew that the 8th time I told her today.
Dear depression you do not need to die you're fine.
Dear bipolar do not tell me I don't need these meds.
Dear anxiety could you just stop for a second I need to catch up on what we are worried about.
Dear depression thank you for getting out of bed but now the couch?
Dear bipolar I really don't need 12 hours of sleep but thanks for the suggestion.
Dear anxiety why are you you sweating it's 50 degrees out.
Dear depression please go play basketball.
Dear bipolar stop touching your sisters head shes probably annoyed.
Dear anxiety stop thinking.
Dear depression stop being gloomy.
And bipolar stop being a nebraskas weather wannabe it's not happening.
Dear mental health good bye." -- Genevieve Fankhauser

Wednesday, July 17, 2019


We were friends back in the day. I have pictures of you from slumber parties and classes together and we worked together for a time. I can remember your smile, your tears, your laughter, your voice from choir together.

We didn't really stay in touch but I watched your family and life on Facebook. I laughed at so many of your posts and prayed for you when your aunt died. I applauded your son's graduation and your daughter's dances and your anniversaries and date nights.

I'm thinking of your family tonight. They don't know that tomorrow is just another hard day and the days since Friday have been hard but there are so many more hard ones to come. I have prayed for them. I cried for your daughter's pleas to come back. There will be more pleas in the next days and weeks and years.

My heart hurts for them as they try to make sense of the tragedy of losing you. It's over for you but really just beginning for them. So tonight I lay in bed and pray for them. I pray that you have found the peace you were looking for and I pray for their hearts that will never really beat the same.

May you rest in peace, sweet Courtney and may your family find peace in any little moments they can.
