
Friday, August 15, 2014

What Would Jesus Do?

A simple catch-phrase. It took off a few years ago. I remember the bracelets, the t-shirts. I was trying to explain the movement to G.

The other day a friend was over and for some reason on this day, they both just seemed to be getting under each other's skin. They both kept pushing and pushing until not nice words were said and not nice actions were done. Feelings were hurt and tears were spent. Life lessons were learned. How we cope when things turn from "getting annoyed" to being hurtful in our thoughts and actions. Important lessons for a 10 year old.

When the friend left and G and I were able to talk more about it I brought up the "WWJD" movement. She talked about it. She said "mom, what if I don't know what Jesus would do in that situation?" That's a pretty good question and sometimes I don't know what Jesus would do. I told her that when we don't know what He would do, we know one thing, "Jesus would love."

We talked about how she, as one little girl, has the power to make someone's day. Offer a kind smile, offer to play with someone who looks a little lonely on the play ground, ask that kid sitting by themselves at lunch to sit with you and your friends. Offer kind words to your friend who just seems to be having an off day. Heck, if they don't want to hear your kind words, just sit with them and be.

With all the sadness in the world, with everyone running in different directions because of busy schedules, with all the different mental health issues and behavioral issues that our kids see in classes every day, with all the madness and craziness of school starting, I encourage my kiddos not to get lost in all of it. I encourage them to not get so hung up on the details. I don't want them to forget who they are. I don't want them to forget what their purpose in life is...even if they don't know their purpose in life.

So I tell them, "If ever you don't know what to do, ask yourself what would Jesus do." I know that Jesus would love and as long as you love, you are way ahead in life.

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