
Monday, March 9, 2015

A Car

She did it! She worked hard, she saved her money, and this weekend she bought her first car! She's the first kiddo to do buy her own car.

Way to go T! We are VERY proud of you! We know it hasn't always been easy but you've stuck through it and you are now reaping the rewards.

She knew always growing up that we were never going to be able to just give her a car. I think it stung a little when some friends were just given a car. I think it probably stings a little knowing that she has to work when so many of her friends don't have to. I think working is important. I don't want work to be more important than school but you need to know that in life, you have to work for things. It's frustrating to watch those around you have it "easier" but I'm not sure it is easier. So many lessons are being learned by being out there working for your things.

So she bought a 1994 Mercedes Benz C280. It seems to be a great little car. I would be pretty jealous if it weren't 21 years old. I pray that this will be a good car for her. I pray that it will teach her all the good lessons and that it will be a good investment.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Beggy Prayers

"It's a little late for beggy prayers. It's time to trust and surrender."

I was sitting in my van checking out fb with lots on my mind. I came across a "story" on another's page. She said she was sitting on the side of the road praying for God to let her car start and she remembered her pastor told her that "once you step on the plane, it's a little late for beggy prayers. It's time to trust and surrender."

Oh wow how true that is in my world. It IS too late for beggy prayers. That doesn't mean I'm not going to keep sending them up. Mostly, it reminds me that even better than beggy prayers are trust and surrender.

I am a person of great faith. I know my God is real and I know that He is there and that He will provide. I pray a lot. I know that I am trying to walk a path that He has put me on this Earth to walk.

I don't surrender enough. It's not because I don't want to. I have issues. We all do. One of mine is surrendering. I need to be reminded to surrender to His will and that if this is the path I'm on, that the purpose of it is His will.

Trust and surrender don't mean that I don't have control. It means that I will go where I am led. It means that I choose to let Him take the lead and show me the way and put me where I need to be. I read exactly what I needed to read, exactly when I was meant to read it.

I pray to always remember to trust and surrender. Maybe then I'll have less "beggy prayers."


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

And Baby Makes 9

No, not me.That ship has long sailed. R will be bestowing us with the gift of our first grand baby in Sept.

Excitement, nervousness, astonishment, sadness, amazement, blessed, loved...feeling all of those things.

Just to get it out of the way...OF COURSE we had hoped that this would happen later in R's life. Of course there are concerns, real and serious concerns. Of course we know how hard having a baby can make life. Of course we all want what is best for momma and baby. Of course, of course, of all of it. Trust me, the tears have fallen, the hard conversations have been had, the prayers go up every single day. Now...that's out of the way...


Our family is expanding! There is going to be a baby! R is going to be a momma! The kids are going to be aunts and uncles. I am going to be a Nana and Steve is going to be a Poppa (or an Uncle Grandpa for those Adventure Time loving friends I have)!

This morning I got to see this beautiful baby. I remember the first time I saw R on the ultrasound. There is something very surreal about seeing one of your babies see their baby on an ultrasound. It's hard to put into words. It's so amazing and wonderful and beautiful. Wiped one tear as I watched R wipe a few. Truly a beautiful moment.

Strong heartbeat of 158. Baby measures at 11w6d. Due date of Sept 17.

I feel like there is so much more I could write but want to keep the announcement shorter so I'll share more on other feelings later.
